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More about May 31
Climate Change
Would you have kids, given climate change?
Should we have kids, given where the planet is headed?
Climate change could make cities 8C hotter – scientists
Combination of carbon emissions and ‘urban heat island’ effect of concrete and asphalt gives rise to worst-case scenario by end of 21st century
Economist wants truth on real cost of fossil fuel.
A renowned German economist says the world should reject lies about carbon emissions, pricing them to show the real cost of fossil fuel.
John McCain urges action on Great Barrier Reef and Paris climate deal
Speaking in Sydney, US senator says he is ‘afraid about what the world is going to look like for our children’
Endorsing the Paris Agreement is Trump’s best opportunity for a big win
Joseph Robertson
A 21st-century American infrastructure agenda depends on the Paris Agreement
The US quitting the Paris climate agreement will only make things worse
Jonathan Pickering, University of Canberra
Some experts say it’s better for the US to leave the Paris Agreement than white-ant it from within. But that ignores the damage that a US withdrawal would do to the fabric of global multilateralism.
Australian renewables head for “boom-time” – led by states
CEC report says 2017 to be biggest year for renewables since Snowy Hydro 1, as industry shakes off Abbott-era uncertainty and state govts take lead.
Carbon capture signed off
Business welcomes an overhaul of the ‘green bank’ to allow the funding of carbon capture and storage.
Future of existing Indigenous Protected Areas uncertain
Ranger groups push the Government for certainty about the Indigenous Protected Areas, which cover 65 million hectares of Australia.
Gas buyers question price impact of LNG limits
Telstra in solar power play
Telstra lifts veil on new energy strategy, which includes a $100m solar farm as part of a play to protect itself from soaring power prices.
Government renews bid to axe carbon tax welfare payment
Social Services Minister Christian Porter will reignite a debate over stalled savings measures today by re-introducing plans to cut a carbon tax compensation payment for new welfare recipients.
Report of the high-level commission on carbon prices
Coalition tries to push CEFC into carbon capture and storage
Giles Parkinson
Coalition wants CEFC to be able to invest in carbon capture and storage, despite no evidence that it can cut emissions and lower costs as claimed.
Who tilts at windmills? Explaining hostility to renewables
Marc Hudson
Studying the catastrophe that has been Australian climate and energy policy these past 30 years is thoroughly depressing. Why were we so stupid, so unrelentingly shortsighted?
Why getting the green bank to look at CCS isn’t so wacky
Peter Hannam
Five platypuses killed by illegal yabby pots in Victoria
Conservationists are calling for a crackdown on deadly yabby pots after up to half a platypus population in Victoria’s east is wiped out by illegal nets.
New South Wales
The electricity plans that cost an extra $400 a year
Move to strip councils of DA powers slammed as a ‘backward step’
NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley has accused the Berejiklian government of sidelining local communities following revelations of a move to strip councils of the power to determine development applications above a particular value.
Queensland may change solar tariffs to match peak demand
Queensland Competition Authority directed to investigate the potential benefits – for both networks and consumers – of introducing of time-of-use solar tariffs.
Adani coal mine back on track after royalties agreement
Adani and the Queensland Government strike a deal over royalties for the proposed Carmichael mine, after days of uncertainty raised doubts over whether the $16 billion project would proceed.
Adani: director on board that will consider $900m loan says project is ‘vital’
Karla Way-McPhail, who runs mining labour and equipment companies, will not say whether she will recuse herself from Carmichael decision
Coral bleaching on Great Barrier Reef worse than expected, surveys show.
Surveys taken throughout 2016 show escalating impact from north to south, with 70 percent of shallow water corals dead north of Port Douglas.
The Un-Material Girl: Fast fashion addict now an upcycling activist
While many young Australians just reach for what’s on the rack at their favourite fashion stores, one twenty-something is upcycling second-hand clothes to stay on trend.
Manufacturers warn of more Glencore type decisions
Australia will be denied new investment and will watch more of its refineries and smelters close unless the price and security of energy can be resolved, business leaders warn.
Does Queensland really want Adani’s dirty, black lung inducing jobs?
David Shearman
Will the re-emergence of black lung due to government regulatory incompetence be the final nail in Adani’s Carmichael mine coffin?,10348
If Glencore wants cheap energy for Mt Isa, it should go solar
Giles Parkinson
Glencore says future of Mt Isa, and 2,000 jobs, is at risk due to rising energy prices. But it only has itself to blame, because it stupidly chose gas over renewables when given the option in 2011.
Resource-rich state’s coal comfort for citizens
Nathan Vass
WHY is Queensland, one of the richest energy resource regions in the world, once again facing electricity price hikes that will further stretch business and family budgets?
Officer’s murder raises questions on gun vigil
Courier Mail editorial
THE most critical issue to stem from the tragic slaying of a Queensland cop is how the perpetrator obtained what was believed to be a semiautomatic weapon.
South Australia
Harmful little bird that costs us heaps
WANTED ALIVE: A little bird with bright red markings and black crest with the potential to wreak havoc on South Australia’s fruit industry. His 10 mates have already cost the state thousands of dollars.
Increase in dog poisonings linked to rat bait as rodent numbers explode in SA
Pet owners are being warned about a spike in the number of dogs being poisoned by rat and mouse baits on Adelaide’s northern fringe, as rodent numbers reach plague proportions.
The 30-year plan for greater Adelaide: 2017 update
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
Federal probe into Tasmanian salmon farming in Macquarie Harbour
Federal environment authorities investigate whether Tasmanian salmon farms are in breach of conditions imposed on their expansion in Macquarie Harbour.
Western Australia
New gas suppliers should ‘drive down prices’ for WA customers
Ben Wyatt’s Pilbara thought bubble a bust
Matthew Stevens
The four-day war between very big iron ore and a neophyte Western Australian government is almost certainly over.
Battery storage paired with wind farm in ground-breaking Spanish trial
A world first hybrid renewables trial, pairing a grid-connected wind farm with lithium-ion battery storage and energy management software, has been switched on by Acciona.
PNG coffee industry under threat from berry borer beetle
Papua New Guinea’s coffee industry is crying out for help, after discovering an insidious pest in some of its most productive growing areas.
Can we save the planet with ancient Japanese philosophy?
Could the idea of mottainai — a Japanese approach to the concept of waste — provide the west with a philosophical answer to environmental crises?
Reading: ‘Energy, finance and the end of growth.’
A prescient 2013 analysis predicts Trump’s rise—and explains why his promises of endless growth can’t happen.
Could the future of mining be in space?
The mining boom on Earth may be over, but in space it could be set to soar, with exploration companies looking to launch expeditions to asteroids in just a few years.
‘We have been poisoning ourselves’: has ice analysis revealed the truth about lead?
Ice cores and records from the Black Death show lead entered the air from human activity – and scientists claim “natural background” levels are zero
In Africa, valuing water beyond the money.
Amid the worst drought in a century, South Africans are kick-starting a global consultative process to agree on the values of water in a bid to ensure more equitable use of the finite resource.
Robert Llewellyn’s quest to spur a green energy revolution in his village
Actor’s efforts to persuade Temple Guiting to generate its own electricity captured in BBC4’s Great Village Green Crusade
Around the world, environmental laws are under attack in all sorts of ways
Bill Laurance, James Cook University
Legislation designed to protect wildlife is being rolled back or ignored in all sorts of ways in all sorts of places, according to a new global database of attacks on green tape.
Plastic pollution doesn’t just make for an ugly beach day. It’s contaminating our food chain.
Julie Andersen Los Angeles Times
There’s a big lie about plastic — that you can throw it away. But that’s not true; there is no “away.”
Nature Conservation
The fascist history of de-extinction.
Modern critics worry about the consequences of bringing extinct species back. The Nazis weren’t so concerned in their quest to bring back the aurochs.
Climate Change can Alter the Impact of Forest Pathogens in Trees
New research on projected climate changes from the University of Helsinki indicates that climate change has an alarming potential to increase the damage caused to Norway spruce trees by a naturally circulating disease spreading fungus.
Amazon rainforest may be more resilient to deforestation than previously thought
See-through frog has heart you can see beating through its chest
The beautiful Hyalinobatrachium yaku is a previously unknown glass frog from Ecuador, but its habitat is threatened by oil exploitation
Corals in peril at a popular Hawaiian tourist destination due to global climate change
Despite state protected status, nearshore corals at the Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve on O’ahu, Hawai’i are at risk as the global trend in warming seawater temperatures continues
More Frequent Extreme Ocean Warming Could Further Endanger Albatross
As scientists grapple with the behavioral, ecological and evolutionary impacts of extreme climatic events, new research articles explore what is known on the topic and pioneer new approaches to this ..
Hunting can help European ecosystems
Hunting as an outdoor activity is underrated in how it helps nature and society to regulate problem animal overpopulations
A fix for national parks? How a risk to the environment could do some good.
Chicago Tribune editorial
There is something to be said for using funds derived from operations that pose a risk to the environment to do some real good for the environment.
Now for something completely different …
Handwashing: Cool Water as Effective as Hot for Removing Germs
We all know that washing our hands can keep us from spreading germs and getting sick. But a new Rutgers-New Brunswick study found that cool water removes the same amount of harmful bacteria as hot.
Maelor Himbury