Daily Links May 2

Rather than use our superannuation trillions to fund US infrastructure as Malcolm Turnbull suggested to the Donald, why not put our super nest egg into renewables? After all, with renewable energy assets ‘routinely delivering returns of around 10%’, we get economic benefits to enjoy in a world in which we might even be able to live. What’s not like about that?

Daily Links May 1

Top Post Batteries and energy storage can actually increase carbon emissions Energy storage is considered a green technology. But it actually increases carbon emissions. https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2018/4/27/17283830/batteries-energy-storage-carbon-emissions Today’s Celebration Constitution & Independence …

Daily Links May 1

Some sub-editors have a nerve. It should read, to reflect the article, ‘Batteries CAN have a dirty secret’ depending on what generation source they are hooked up to and when the energy is being discharged. The media tends not work in nuance,eh?