Daily Links Jul 2

Would a ban on using Round-up constitute ‘green tape’, I wonder? You might think Monsanto offering a settlement on a class action from cancer sufferers who used Round-up would be an admission of guilt and lead to a withdrawal of the stuff from the market. But no. This is why we must have regulation, we can’t have anyone standing between big agricultural pharma and a big profit.https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jun/30/monsanto-settlement-roundup-cancer-lawsuits

Daily Links Jul 1

What could be a much-needed project following robust investigation and consequent environmental approvals is tainted. With the Eden-Monaro by-election his weekend, the announcement yesterday fits the frame of pork-barreling. If the project is good environmentally and is a serious contribution to energy policy, wouldn’t a responsible government avoid anything that might compromise its chances of success?https://www.miragenews.com/environmental-approval-for-snowy-hydro-20/