Daily Links Oct 31

Peter Boyer is on the money – again. Accelerating global extinctions, groundwater depletion, melting mountain glaciers and space debris might seem a little indirect for me to worry about. Unbearable heat can be managed if I stay inside and pump up the A/C. But a collapse in the insurance industry? The developed world might have to take this seriously and do what scientists have been telling us for decades what must be done? https://southwind.com.au/2023/10/31/get-ready-for-an-uninsurable-future/

Daily Links Oct 30

Just as ‘no man is an island, entire of itself’, so a project that affects the environment must necessarily affect other components of the environment. How can we not know …

Daily Links Oct 27

Off list with a huge threat to the right to protest and yet another win for the forces of darkness. ABC footage allowing identification of climate protesters against the Burrup …

Daily Links Oct 26

Here is CCS doing what is intended to do. No, not capture and store carbon but provide a cover for big fossil fuel projects with promises of ‘green’ energy. It. …

Daily Links Oct 25

In what is becoming a relentless litany of messages of climate doom and gloom, here’s some serious doom. Goodbye any number of Pacific island nations. We’d better rethink our asylum-seeking …

Daily Links Oct 24

And I remember in the 1960s from my high school science class that the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere was .033% or 330 parts per million. It is now …

Daily Links Oct 23

There’s a contextual issue that this legislation, which looks at specific examples, statements and events, will leave unaddressed. How can it be considered reasonable that COP 28, to be held in Dubai next month, will be chaired by Al Jaber, the Chief Executive of a National Oil Company? We faff about with little things (some of them are worthwhile) and kid ourselves that we’re making big responses. If we kept a focus on the existential threats we face it would be unthinkable to let fossil fools shape climate responses.https://www.lawyersweekly.com.au/biglaw/38336-report-new-legislation-required-to-address-corruption-and-integrity-risks-in-climate-solutions

Daily Links Oct 20

So tell us something we don’t know, though villain might be a too-tame descriptor. I want notions of earth-destroying and humanity-imperilling applied to the nasty being that he is. Robert Manne, in his excellent Quarterly Essay ‘Bad News, Murdoch’s Australian and the shaping of the nation’, lays out the breadth of Murdoch’s malevolence, greed and lust for power. Bring on the Murdoch and the Media Royal Commission.https://mail.newhorizon.news/p/murdoch-climate-denial-legacy

Daily Links Oct 19

Off list and quite relevant: the referendum didn’t really have much chance when the robber-barons and fossilfool oligarchs work through front organisations such as Advance in Australia and the international …

Daily Links Oct 18

When you train a dog, you reward it when it shows the behaviour you want. It seems that we are training developers to clear sites of environmental significance. A company …