Geoff Lemon’s very direct and highly readable argument for the carbon tax that should have been

Geoff Lemon, a commentator on sport and culture, writes in an extremely forthright fashion, uses liberal doses of profanity to whack you between the eyes(?) with his arguments and is always worth reading. His argument here is as clear an argument for a carbon tax as you’ll read. Check his blog at Heathen Scripture ‘the Heathen Scripture you have when you’re not having a Heathen Scripture’ which carries articles on the broadest range of topical social issues with an approach, including the most creative use of language, that you won’t find elsewhere. You will blush a bit as you read, however.

Deciding for the coast: a guide for effective decision making

Adapting to climate change is a fraught area when what we are adapting to is so uncerntain. Councils and other land managers have to make decisions now within this context of uncertaintly. SECCCA teamed with Marsden Jacob Associates to develop a guide for decision-making that gave a level of confidence in anticipating and responding to climate impacts. This paper sets out the ideas in Deciding for the coast, a guide for decition making.

How can you win the Liveability Trifecta? Win the Energy Efficiency Trifecta – that’s how.

In Australia’s increasingly variable climate, our reliance on energy for comfort, health and well-being is pretty near complete. If you can’t afford to modify your domestic environment, what can you do? Well, modify your domestic enviornment as there are things that you can do that don’t cost much money. We did a project at SECCCA to investigate this.