Daily Links Mar 31
Is the fetish for diminished government over yet? From: Maelor Himbury <maelor@melbpc.org.au>Date: 31 March 2020 at 8:24:05 am AEDTSubject: Daily Links Mar 31 Post of the Day The climate crisis …
Is the fetish for diminished government over yet? From: Maelor Himbury <maelor@melbpc.org.au>Date: 31 March 2020 at 8:24:05 am AEDTSubject: Daily Links Mar 31 Post of the Day The climate crisis …
From: Maelor Himbury <maelor@melbpc.org.au>Date: 31 March 2020 at 8:24:05 am AEDTSubject: Daily Links Mar 31 Post of the Day The climate crisis will be just as shockingly abrupt The coronavirus …
If we had a Minister FOR the Environment like we have a Minister for the Economy or Defence, there’d be someone with responsibility to do something about this. The three …
From: Maelor Himbury <maelor@melbpc.org.au>Date: 29 March 2020 at 7:45:39 am AEDTSubject: Daily Links Mar 29 Post of the Day Carbon emissions will drop, but experts fear ‘revenge pollution’ Australia’s and …
We want physical distancing rather than social distancing. Anything that links us, even if just symbolic, is a good thing. And there’s the possibility that after this is all over, whether Earth Hour at 9.30 tonight or COVID-19 whenever, some practices good for us and the environment might remain.https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news/earth-hour-to-unite-the-world-in-darkness/news-story/26ff5f00028cc2764ba35d919dd9c975
We are fortunate to have public intellectuals with vision, analytical skills and clarity in communication. In this off-list article, Richard Flanagan scores the trifecta. https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/mar/26/australia-is-scared-and-confused-about-coronavirus-is-scott-morrison-the-leader-we-need-for-this-grave-moment?CMP=share_btn_tw&__twitter_impression=true From: Maelor Himbury <maelor@melbpc.org.au>Date: 27 …
Monbiot suggests ‘ .. this could be the moment when we begin to see ourselves .. as governed by biology and physics, and dependent on a habitable planet.’ Now that’s not an outlandish wish, is it?https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/25/covid-19-is-natures-wake-up-call-to-complacent-civilisation
Very sound arguments here for the post-Corona period, assuming that we have leaders with wisdom and sustainability in mind. Here is a chance to banish the very concept of the ‘efficiency dividend’, so beloved of neo-liberals, that has diminished the public sector and our institutions. In fact, here is the chance to banish neo-liberalism.https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/6693405/when-we-rebuild-our-economy-we-must-do-it-with-sustainability-in-mind/?cs=14246
Peter Boyer’s South Wind prescription for post-Corona: we must renounce the ludicrous fictions on which capitalist economics is based: small government, endless growth, limitless wealth and the trickle down effect. And Mikel Jollett is onto it – how about the Gerry Harvey Shih Tzu Park?http://southwind.com.au/2020/03/24/dumping-the-fictions-and-embracing-real-economics/
From: Maelor Himbury <maelor@melbpc.org.au>Date: 23 March 2020 at 9:03:21 am AEDTSubject: Daily Links Mar 23 Post of the Day Climate change: Why rich people use so much more energy As …