Daily Links Aug 12

Andrew McConville and members of the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association, how do you sleep at night? Have you got kids? Grandkids? Do you care about the species with which we share the earth? I thought that the attached cartoon with your character upfront was just an example of irony.https://www.theage.com.au/environment/climate-change/chasing-net-zero-the-oil-and-gas-industry-is-not-the-enemy-but-part-of-the-solution-20210811-p58hqr.html

Daily Links Aug 11

There’s enough here following the IPCC’s 5th AR to keep you under the doona, rocking back and forth in foetal position. Then there’s the rewriting of history, the dissembling and the political cowardice of the Pentecostal P M, the dill Australia can’t afford.https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/aug/10/scott-morrison-walks-back-end-the-weekend-rhetoric-on-electrical-vehicles

Daily Links Aug 10

The 6th IPCC Assessment Report has passed judgement; ‘guilty as hell’. Unfortunately, we all share the sentence as our climate hell approaches. I’d love a dollar for every scientists’ statement that ‘we need to act now’, ‘we’re fast running out of time’ or ‘the window is closing’. There is an election coming, make we need politicians who’ll act on the science.https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/aug/09/ipcc-reports-verdict-on-climate-crimes-of-humanity-guilty-as-hell

Daily Links Aug 9

We’re not keeping up with OECD countries on many indicators, including increasing renewable energy generation, no matter in what tongue the Pentecostal PM speaks. With Newspoll today showing 53:47 2PP to Labor, perhaps at last enough people are waking up to him.https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/aug/09/australia-lagging-at-the-back-of-the-pack-of-oecd-countries-on-climate-action-analysis-finds

Daily Links Aug 8

Hmmm, the IPCC and years of the most rigorous science or the tin-hat sovereign citizen and (can you believe) Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts?https://theconversation.com/mondays-ipcc-report-is-a-really-big-deal-for-climate-change-so-what-is-it-and-why-should-we-trust-it-165614

Daily Links Aug 7

So, is the Happy-Clapper on the money with his slogan ‘technology, not taxes’? This article sets out the technologies that we need to deploy. Unlike the Clapper’s prescription, they already exist, they do not include CCS or nuclear and they could make use of the dollars in the massive subsidies given to fossil fuels. They also include ‘cellular agriculture’ which could produce animal-free protein for his hamburger at Engadine Maccas.https://reneweconomy.com.au/get-serious-eight-technologies-that-could-eliminate-nearly-all-emissions-by-2035/

Daily Links Aug 6

There’s a lot of darkness in today’s Links with articles regarding current impacts and future projections of climate change that threaten our species and all others besides. The hope that I found was in The Age article regarding the establishment of a second Helmeted honeyeater population. They are gorgeous birds. But even so, there’s more than a little suspicion that a Heho is a political construct as Victoria needed an endemic species only found within the state for an avian emblem. Tell me that a Yellow-tufted honeyeater and a Helmeted honeyeater are incontrovertibly separate species please.https://www.theage.com.au/environment/conservation/second-home-gives-victoria-s-endangered-honeyeaters-a-flighting-chance-20210805-p58g04.html

Daily Links Aug 5

The favoured three-word slogan ‘Technology, not taxes’ cops criticism in this article. The oxymoronic concept of unchecked economic growth in a finite world has to be discarded, as much as fundamental lifestyle change will be needed to do this. What chance the LNP government and it fossil fool backers are up to the mark on this? Buckley’s or none?https://reneweconomy.com.au/technology-wont-be-enough-to-tackle-climate-emergency-researchers-say/

Daily Links Aug 4

Memo to Andrew Bolt, Ian Plimer, Craig Kelly and deniers everywhere, read this and hang your heads in shame at your ignorance. And if you are not advocating out of …

Daily Links Aug 3

Here described is the massive disjunct in Australia between the leadership and the led. This is the essential message to take into the ballot box at the next election. The world knows it cannot afford Australia to continue on the current path, state governments, local governments and many Australians know it too.https://probonoaustralia.com.au/news/2021/08/things-could-be-so-very-different-in-this-country-of-ours/