Daily Links Oct 17

What matters most for the resilience of societies is the level of inequality and degree of political polarisation. How are we trending on these criteria, d’ya reckon? Climate change has …

Daily Links Oct 16

Off list but tangentially on topic, considering a very rich NO backer, Simon Fenwick, has skin in the carbon market on indigenous  land and wants to keep other decision-makers out …

Daily Links Oct 13

If ever we were in doubt about the capture of governments by the fossil fool industry, don’t be. Here the Australian Government is guilty of the old crime of consorting …

Daily Links Oct 12

The ‘lucky country’ is running into trouble if ‘the second-rate people who share its luck’ continue to ignore the warnings given by those who know. “Not listening to scientists:” Most …

Daily Links Oct 11

There’s not much space between housing for canopy cover, and milder winters mean more insects survive and populations are starting from a higher base as they build up numbers in …

Daily Links Oct 10

Off list again: Andrew Bolt et Al, this is about as subtle as a kick in the backside by a dinosaur. How can you continue your denial? Reference: Copernicus Climate …

Daily Links Oct 9

Off-list and why we need activism. When the science is clear but politicians, in thrall to the fossil fools, won’t act what else is one to do? That it is …

Daily Links Oct 6

Keating’s great strength was in educating the electorate in economics, not treating us as mugs. While the world might be addicted to coal, the drug dealers defence doesn’t apply, as …

Daily Links Oct 5

In 2009 countries agreed to end subsidies for fossil fuels. Here we are now, 14 years later, knowing what we know about the consequences of increasing emissions, subsidies have risen, …

Daily Links Oct 4

Send On 4 Oct 2023, at 9:35 am, greghunt.net Daily Mailer <mailer@greghunt.net> wrote: Doesn’t the idea of a safeguard mechanism sound reassuring? But all is not as it seems. If …