Daily Links Aug 30

Paul Daley is on the money here. I’ve cancelled my Father’s Day ski weekend with my daughter and son. Booking a ski holiday in Australia is now an exercise in …

Daily Links Aug 29

‘Technically possible’ does not come within a bull’s roar of ‘practically feasible’. How much more research is needed before we can lay CCS, this biggest of red-herrings, to rest? The fossil fools will try to keep this a live debate as a smokescreen for business as usual.https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/08/240828114409.htm#google_vignette

Daily Links Aug 28

We faff on about our Pacific ‘family’ even as we allow new fossil fuel developments that are leading to island inundation. How can Australia be taken seriously when we ignore …

Daily Links Aug 27

The problem with the NT election was that both the ALP and the CLP were singing from much the same anti-environment song sheet. The recent 4 Corners program looking at …

Daily Links Aug 26

This assemblage of deplorables, nutters and the just plain misguided is being propped by Newscorp, the IPA and, quite likely, the fossil fools. There’s no mention by the pro-nuclear lobby …

Daily Links Aug 23

With the surge in renewable energy in so many countries, and with Australia’s leading position with regard to rooftop solar, how can the Big Sebago and his minions even think …

Daily Links Aug 22

There are always trade-offs, in this case environmental protection versus animal welfare. Claptrap about ‘Man from Snowy River’ cultural heritage is just that, claptrap. Hard hooves destroy very important sphagnum …

Daily Links Aug 21

We don’t want to be buying a pig in a poke now, do we? Michael Ambrose is onto it here, mandatory disclosure of energy performance gives the prospective buyer information …

Daily Links Aug 20

Hmmm, the view of the Mineral Council to the Minister’s rejection of a tailings dam sited inappropriately is noteworthy. Protection of cultural heritage sets a dangerous precedent’. Others might view …

Daily Links Aug 19

We need a comprehensive implementation of the recommendations of the Samuel review into the EPBC Act. What are the chances? Is ‘being forced into negotiations with the Greens’ worth doing …