Daily Links Sep 12

Perhaps AGL can see that the pre-end period and it’s unprecedented opportunities for profit don’t include Liddell. What are you thinking, Malcolm?

Daily Links Sep 11

Renewables a short term sugar hit? How long has the sun been around, Barnaby?AGL, a private sector business, acting out of self-interest, Scott?What have we done to deserve such political ‘brains’?

Daily Links Sep 7

Our economy is our chosen strategy for managing the distribution of resources. Besides our free market economy, there are other economies, command economies and barter economies among them. But where do we get the resources? From the environment, Barnaby. Why would we elevate a strategy above the source of our resources. You need to thank green groups for conserving our resources so you have something, within sensible regulations, to buy and sell.

Daily Links Sep 6

The CSIRO is paid up member of that bastion of sectional self-interest, the Minerals Council? There are times when the world just puzzles.

Daily Links Sep 5

Environmental charities bitter stand-off with mining lobby is all the more bitter when considering the clout these lobbyists have with collaborationist political parties. Mar’n Ferguson and Ian McFarlane are just two who have jumped the fence to work against the environment.

Daily Links Sep 1

Monbiot is on the money as always. The term he uses is ‘climate breakdown’ rather than the anodyne ‘climate change’ and certainly not the pissant’s term ‘climate variability’. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/aug/29/hurricane-harvey-manmade-climate-disaster-world-catastrophe