Game changing game changes
Using stochastic games to analyze evolution of cooperation, leads to a surprising discovery. The tragedy of the commons is resolved if the environment deteriorates in response to defection. The new approach offers invaluable insight into how cooperation plays a role in social issues ranging from sustainability to curbing climate change. It can also help policy makers to design systems which empower cooperation among the public.
Today’s Celebration
Flemish Community Holiday – Belgium
Guldensporenslag – Belgium
La Fete de la Magdalene – France
Revolution Day – Mongolia
St. Rosalia Day – Italy
World Population Day –
More about Jul 11 –
Climate Change
Stronger west winds blow ill wind for climate change
A new explanation for the Heinrich 1 event, where temperatures over Antarctica rose 5C in less than a century, suggests strengthening westerlies around the Antarctic led to a substantial increase in atmospheric carbon. Today, human-caused climate change is causing these same westerly winds to contract towards Antarctica and strengthen, suggesting an unexpected spike in carbon dioxide could occur again.
‘Climate gentrification’: a 21st century problem
Richard Forida
A new study investigates the intersection of climate change and real estate, and finds that higher elevations bring higher values.
NEG not a free kick for coal, Energy Australia says
The National Energy Guarantee does not inherently favour coal, says Energy Australia, but it warns amendments to subsidise coal-fired power stations could kill off gas plants.
Electricity prices: ACCC calls for new powers to fix ‘market manipulation’
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission says energy market ‘unacceptable and unsustainable’
How water trading is reshaping what foods and fibres farmers are growing
Irrigation remains a deeply emotional issue in river communities and some farmers are branching out to keep their heads above water.
Threatened species: nine mammals and mountain mistfrog could join extinction list
Number of extinct species on EPBC fauna list will rise by almost 20% if species added to list
Australia on a plate: recognising Indigenous rights to bush food
As interest in native food grows, its connection with Indigenous Australians must be protected
Head of inquiry into Murray-Darling Basin plan questions its use of science
Commissioner says Murray-Darling authority seems to have approved plans it did not see as achievable
Climate change is a quiet killer in Australia
Rising temperatures and related water shortages have decimated 50% of the arid continent’s species in the last decade while killer crocs and other critters migrate south for cooler climes.
Milestones passed on renewables
Renewable power supplied a record quarter of the country’s electricity in mid-June, breaking several milestones.
Record prices for NSW, Vic [$]
Wholesale power prices are at their highest since the national electricity market was created two decades ago.
Australia could be at 86% wind and solar by 2050 – on economics only
Australia will likely source 86% of its electricity from wind and solar by 2050, based on economics only, and regardless of climate policy. It could get there a lot quicker with emissions targets, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
Networks cry foul as AER cracks down on poles and wire returns
The Australian Energy Regulator has drawn fire from the nation’s poles and wires businesses over a draft decision the networks say would result in the largest single cut to the amount the sector could recover on their investments in electricity and gas infrastructure.
We now bear the burden of our energy policy mess [$]
AFR editorial
The energy policy mess keeps producing unintended results.
Why the market won’t build new coal plants [$]
Matthew Stevens
Australia needs its coal-fired power stations. But it doesn’t need a new one. It really is that simple.
Small businesses are feeling the pain on energy
Kate Carnell
Small businesses pay more per unit of energy and consume it at higher levels than residential consumers.
If leaders are confused about energy, imagine the rest of us [$]
Peter Boyer
Politicians are locked in furious argument about dealing with power and climate change
Truth the first casualty in the War Against Coal
Graham Young
Advocacy is core business for think tanks, but when does advocacy become propaganda? When the think tank is the grandly named Australia Institute, is one answer.
Good riddance to the dumbest idea on two wheels [$]
Miranda Devine
With a business model that didn’t secure its prime assets, and treated the world as a green utopia, share bikes were doomed to fail. And those eyesores won’t be missed.
Better boil ya billy: when Australian water goes bad
Ian Wright
Many Australians take it for granted we can drink untreated tap water, without worrying about the health effects. However, a recent audit criticised the regulation of pollution in the massive Warragamba Dam drinking water catchment, the biggest single metropolitan water reservoir in Australia.
Melbourne zoos dump Nestle products over palm oil controversy
The Melbourne and Werribee zoos remove Nestle’s products from kiosks after the company is suspended from an organisation that promotes the sustainable use of palm oil — an ingredient blamed for threatening orangutan populations.
Power bills to fall under radical watchdog plan [$]
Victorians would save hundreds of dollars a year on power bills under radical changes to the energy market to be recommended today by the consumer watchdog.
New South Wales
ACF calls for increased levels of solar access and view sharing
President of the Central Coast Branch of the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF), Mr Mark Ellis, has called for increased levels of solar access and view sharing than is currently proposed as part of the NSW Department of Planning’s revitalisation of the Gosford CBD.
Researchers crave to control coral killer
The crown-of-thorns starfish is a major threat to the Great Barrier Reef and how to control it remains a challenge for Australian researchers–spt.html
More than 150,000 bees move into inner-Brisbane suburb
More than 150,000 bees have moved into a building rooftop and are expected to produce more than 160 kilograms of honey a year.
Road audit after cassowary dies [$]
An urgent safety audit will be carried out on Mourilyan Harbour Rd after an adult cassowary was hit by a car and had to be put down.
South Australia
One fine a week won’t save our dolphins [$]
Roughly one person is being fined for speeding within the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary each week — a figure dolphin watchers say is “way too low”.
The Inconvenient Truth: Geelong Star and Basslink
Kelvin Jones
The super trawler Geelong Star slipped quietly from our shores over a year ago.
Northern Territory
Marine debris on north Australian beaches doubles in a decade, killing up to 15,000 turtles
Up to three tonnes of marine debris per kilometre litter 11 monitored beaches in northern Australia, making them some of the worst stretches of beach in the world, researchers say.
Western Australia
One of Perth’s most ambitious public transport projects could be derailed before it even begins
As multi-billion-dollar rail projects emerge across the country, there are fears the McGowan Government’s transport masterplan Metronet may struggle to find the workers with the right skills to build it.
Game changing game changes
Using stochastic games to analyze evolution of cooperation, leads to a surprising discovery. The tragedy of the commons is resolved if the environment deteriorates in response to defection. The new approach offers invaluable insight into how cooperation plays a role in social issues ranging from sustainability to curbing climate change. It can also help policy makers to design systems which empower cooperation among the public.
Six transformations needed to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals: New report
The World in 2050 (TWI2050) initiative has launched a new report, setting out six key transformations that will enable the world to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Global quadrupling of cooling appliances to 14 billion by 2050 — new report
Soaring global need for cooling by 2050 could see world energy consumption for cooling increase five times as the number of cooling appliances quadruples to 14 billion — according to a new report by the University of Birmingham, UK.
Monsanto ‘bullied scientists’ and hid weedkiller cancer risk, lawyer tells court
As ill California man’s landmark case begins, attorney attacks Roundup maker’s response to researchers’ findings.
How laundry is reducing America’s carbon footprint
High-efficiency machines are changing how we think about washing and drying clothes.
Conductive Property of Graphene, Advancing Promise of Solar Technology
Researchers have connected a graphene layer with two other atomic layers (molybdenum diselenide and tungsten disulfide) thereby extending the lifetime of excited electrons in graphene by several ..
Stop antibiotics before resistance ‘tipping point’
Treatments using antibiotics should stop as soon as possible to prevent patients passing the ‘tipping point’ of becoming resistant to their effects, new research has shown.
India’s unofficial recycling bin: The city where electronics go to die
In Moradabad, whole communities subsist by processing waste created by the world’s love affair with electronic goods. In this extract from their book, Assa Doron and Robin Jeffrey investigate the impact of this dangerous trade.
No need to get all wrapped up in rage by plastic-bag bans
Dawn Gibson
Put out by the plastic bag ban? Caught short at the supermarket and forced to shell out at least a Freddo frog’s worth of change to get your groceries home?
Don’t get mad, get enterprising.
Is UNESCO World Heritage status for cultural sites killing the things it loves?
Jo Caust
Encouraging tourism as a means to improve the economic situation of communities can, in fact, destroy their uniqueness and cultural value
Nature Conservation
Krill fishing firms back Antarctic ocean sanctuary
Creation of the world’s largest marine reserve comes a step closer as major companies add support
Rising carbon dioxide levels pose a previously unrecognized threat to monarch butterflies
A new study conducted at the University of Michigan reveals a previously unrecognized threat to monarch butterflies: Mounting levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide reduce the medicinal properties of milkweed plants that protect the iconic insects from disease.
Illegal ivory found on sale in 10 European countries
Europe must increase efforts to investigate and control the ivory trade, say campaigners
Reports of dicamba damage to crops are back again
The controversial weedkilling technology has been blamed for damaging millions of acres of crops and other plants in recent growing seasons. As of mid-June, estimated damage affected at least 383,000.
Strategy for ‘No-Mining Zones’ in the Deep Sea
An international team of researchers has developed a comprehensive set of criteria to help the International Seabed Authority (ISA) protect local biodiversity from deep-sea …
Grasslands More Reliable Carbon Sink Than Trees
A study has found that increased drought and wildfire risk make grasslands and rangelands a more reliable carbon sink than trees in 21st century California
Palm oil firms using ‘shadow companies’ to hide their links to deforestation
A new report highlights the use of opaque corporate structures by some of the world’s largest palm oil firms, allegedly to conceal their ties to destructive practices such as rainforest and peatland clearance.
Brazil’s political storm driving Amazon deforestation higher
A surge in Amazon deforestation is trending this year, with a 22 percent rise from August 2017 to May 2018. Experts say land thieves and politics may be at the heart of the problem.
These bat-friendly lights show how to make cities safe for nature
A Dutch town’s new red street lights are designed to make sure they don’t bother bats–and are just as helpful to humans as regular white lights.
The US Endangered Species Act needs a reboot
Peter S. Alagona
It’s the most powerful conservation tool in the world—and it needs to be updated.
Now for something completely different …
Happiness helps football players do better, and it could help economies too
David A. Fleming-Muñoz and Stephan J. Goetz
There’s a strong correlation between happiness and innovation.
Maelor Himbury