Daily Links Aug 1

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Today is Earth Overshoot Day
Humans have already consumed more natural resources than the planet can renew for this year.

Today’s Celebration
Armed Forces Day – Angola
Confederation Day – Switzerland
Emancipation Day – Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago
Independence  – Day / National Day – Benin
Mini Fetes  French Polynesia
National Day – Switzerland
Parent’s Day – Zaire (Democratic  – Congo)
People’s Liberation Army Day – China
Special Holiday Guadalcanal Province – Solomon Islands
St. Dominic’s Day – Nicaragua
TMT Day – Cyprus (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus)
Lammas – Scotland
Lughnasadh (Festival of Light) – Celticism
Girl Friends Day – https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/girl-friends-day/
Respect For Parents Day – https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/respect-for-parents-day/
International Childfree Day – https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/international-childfree-day/
World Wide Web Day – https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/world-wide-web-day/
MS Readathon – http://www.msreadathon.org.au/
Tradies National Health Month – http://www.tradieshealth.com.au/
Wheel Make a Change – http://www.cpl.org.au/events/wheel-make-a-change
Inventor’s Month – https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/inventors-month/
Romance Awareness Month – https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/romance-awareness-month/
Happiness Happens Month – https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/happiness-happens-month/
More about Aug 1 –
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ August_1

Climate Change
Unsurvivable heatwaves could strike heart of China by end of century
The most populous region of the biggest polluter on Earth – China’s northern plain – will become uninhabitable in places if climate change is not curbed

Current heat waves are linked to climate change, scientists confirm
Climate change has made the extremely high temperatures in Europe more than twice as likely to occur, a new analysis has revealed. How do scientists calculate the link between extreme weather events and climate change?

Ever-Increasing CO2 Levels Could Take Us Back to the Tropical Climate of Paleogene Period
A new study has warned that unless we mitigate current levels of carbon dioxide emissions, Western Europe and New Zealand could revert to the hot tropical climate of the early Paleogene period.

Climate change: We’re not literally doomed, but…
Kate Marvel
…there’s space for action between “everything is fine” and “the apocalypse is upon us.”

Pro skiers ‘running out of snow’ combat climate change on Australian slopes
A group of winter athletes from around the world are working together to encourage Australian snow resorts and skiers to help fight climate change.

Army on standby to deliver stock supplies to drought-ravaged farms
Soldiers could soon be deployed to help drought-stricken farmers as the crisis worsens across New South Wales, Queensland and parts of Victoria.

‘Nutcase stuff’: Barnaby Joyce threatens to oppose national energy guarantee
Former deputy PM says if emissions target is placed on agriculture, he will vote against energy policy

Butler lambasts “pathetic” emissions target, “silly” pursuit of coal
Labor’s Mark Butler has lambasts “pathetic” emissions target in National Energy Guarantee and “silly” pursuit of coal, as Greens and Victoria warn of no approval for NEG at CoAG meeting until after it is endorsed by Coalition party room.

AEMO’s Zibelman admits “hiccup” in new solar and wind connections
AEMO’s Audrey Zibelman concedes there is a “hiccup” in connection of new solar and wind projects to the grid, caused by overwhelming volume, and as the speed of new projects overtakes the ability of the grid to adapt.

Labor renews energy guarantee fight but backs policy ‘Abbott-proofing’
Winning seats in the weekend’s byelection has renewed Labor’s willingness to fight the federal government’s national energy reform over weak emission reduction targets.

Government aviation body downplayed its role in toxic contamination
Airservices Australia’s internal briefing documents show the government agency knew it had contaminated airports across the country yet chose to publicly downplay its responsibility, the ABC can reveal.

No renewables bias: energy chief [$]
The operator of Australia’s national electricity grid has rejected claims it favours renewables over fossil fuel generation.

Big deals power green investment [$]
Green power investment will be increasingly backed by long-term contracts with big users as government subsidies decline.

Review of the national greenhouse and energy reporting legislation: a consultation paper
Climate Change Authority
This review will focus on the three key aspects of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting legislation: emissions and energy reporting, the safeguard mechanism and the auditing framework. The review will consider if each of the individual elements is achieving its objectives, is fit for purpose and if any improvements can be made.

As a doctor, I’m terrified by the lack of a plan to protect us from climate change
David Shearman
The UK has a new plan to protect its citizens from heat, flood and fire from climate change. Australia has no such plan, nor any leadership when it comes to mitigating threats to our shared life-support systems — stable climate, water, biodiversity and productive land.

Ending the energy wars [$]
Jennifer Hewett
Josh Frydenberg is about to confront a potentially combustible finale to his strenuous efforts to negotiate a ceasefire in the long-running energy wars.

Politics are polluting the NEG and we all stand to lose
Peter McIntyre
A viable solution for Australia’s energy sector has to happen as a matter of urgency.

A growing concern
Tristan Prasser
Big Australia may be where we are heading, but without a plan or a vision of what that actually entails and how to get there, the quality of life for Australians and future generations will be eroded.

Investigation blames termite-riddled power pole for Victoria’s St Patrick’s Day fire
An investigation into Powercor’s role in the St Patrick’s Day fires in south-west Victoria finds the electricity provider failed to identify a termite-riddled power pole that caused one of the blazes.

Congestion pledge: Off-peak toll discounts for trucks
The state Coalition has released its plan to get heavy vehicles off major highways during peak hour.

Victorian minister plays hardball with Turnbull on the NEG
Michelle Grattan
“We won’t support a scheme that leaves the states in the dark and leaves us all hostage to the extremists in Turnbull’s party room,” D’Ambrosio will say

New South Wales
NSW EPA doubts ‘low-impact’ coalmine
In the face of criticism, the developer of a proposed underground coal mine in the NSW Southern Highlands insists its design avoids environmental damage.

ACT households spend the most on energy as bills rise
The average ACT household’s annual gas and electricity bill has risen by $378 in a year, according to a new analysis.

Don’t forget the ‘big picture’ says man who could kill energy plan
When ministers meet next week to unpick the knots in Australia’s latest energy plan, the ACT’s Shane Rattenbury will be thinking past the political tangle before him.

Queensland cattle stations to be handed to traditional owners without cattle
The federally funded Indigenous Land Corporation is dismantling its cattle operations in Far North Queensland, prompting accusations of asset-stripping from MP Warren Entsch.

Adani lodges slimmed-down plan to expand Abbot Point coal terminal
Company says revamped plans would still allow Carmichael coalmine to go ahead but delay ‘significant capital expense’

Queensland backs Victoria’s concerns over blank cheque on energy guarantee
Both states say they are being asked to approve a policy that could later be amended by the federal LNP party room

Geoengineering the Great Barrier Reef needs strong rules
Kerryn Brent et al
Can geoengineering buy the coral reefs more time?

South Australia
Boral’s Stonyfell Quarry cops a blast for unlicensed waste disposal [$]
Boral’s Stonyfell Quarry admits it has been accepting demolition and construction waste for recycling — but is only now applying for the license to do so.

Northern Territory
Locals take clean-up of trashed remote beaches into their own hands
How bad is plastic waste along the remote and sacred shores of Cape Arnhem? Dozens of locals spent a day cleaning up and they say their work has only just begun.

Stanley Wharf being assessed as potential fish farming base
The Port of Stanley is being considered as a potential land base for fish farm expansion in north-west Tasmania, with Petuna Aquaculture and TasPorts announcing a joint assessment of the site.

Northern Territory reveals $446m plan to save Kakadu town of Jabiru
Plan includes education precinct, glamping facilities and expanded lake offering ‘croc-free’ activities

Western Australia
Apartments in Perth’s White Gum Valley tests Australia-first solar trading system
There might not be anything unusual looking about the solar cells on the roof of these White Gum Valley apartments – but they are actually part of an Australian-first experiment.

Twiggy Forrest joins fight to save our oceans with $100 million pledge and joins the Save the Marine Parks campaign
‘Twiggy’ will spend $100 million to build an ocean research facility in Exmouth and has joined the fight against the controversial federal marine parks plans.

He dares to challenge Kenya’s ‘big conservation lie’
Mordecai Ogada calls his fellow environmental scientists “prostitutes,” explaining they will find a “simplistic solution to feed back into donors looking for instant gratification.

1 in 8 children in India has neurodevelopmental disability, report estimates
Nearly one in eight Indian children ages 2 through 9 might have a neurodevelopmental disorder, a new report by the INCLEN Trust International estimates.

Energy-intensive Bitcoin transactions pose a growing environmental threat
A study published in Energy Research & Social Science warns that failure to lower the energy use by Bitcoin and similar Blockchain designs may prevent nations from reaching their climate change mitigation obligations under the Paris Agreement.

Inside Levi’s ambitious plan to cut its carbon footprint
In an unprecedented and impressive move, by 2025, the company plans to cut emissions in its supply chain by 40%.

Bracelets fund ocean cleanup, 1 million pounds and counting
Buy a bracelet, save the ocean. A company called 4Ocean has pulled more than 1 million pounds of trash from the sea by selling bracelets made from recycled materials.

If Germany can’t quit coal, can anyone else?
Germany’s last black-coal mine will close next month. But that doesn’t mean the country has weaned itself off the emissions-spewing stuff.

3D printing the next generation of batteries
3D printing can be used to manufacture porous electrodes for lithium-ion batteries–but because of the nature of the manufacturing process, the design of these 3D printed electrodes is limited to just a few possible architectures. Until now, the internal geometry that produced the best porous electrodes through additive manufacturing was what’s known as an interdigitated geometry–metal prongs interlocked like the fingers of two clasped hands, with the lithium shuttling between the two sides.

Electric cars: a long way to go
John Armitt and Odd A Jakobsen respond to Adam Vaughan’s piece about electric cars

What’s wrong with big solar in cities? Nothing, if it’s done right
Jason Byrne
Residents near big solar projects are often concerned they cause glare and noise.

Nature Conservation
Allow nuclear waste disposal under national parks, say UK MPs
Safest site should be chosen regardless of location, committee says – but opponents call idea ‘outrageous’

Poachers kill rhino in Kenyan park
Poachers have killed a rhino in Kenya’s Lake Nakuru national park just weeks after 10 rhinos died in a botched relocation by conservation officers.

Tracking the shift of tropical forests from carbon sink to source
Scientists seeking the tools necessary to tackle climate change need to better understand both the current interplay between carbon and tropical forests and how those forests will respond as temperatures warm.

Do Bacteria Ever Go Extinct? New Research Says Yes, Bigtime
Bacteria go extinct at substantial rates, although appear to avoid the mass extinctions that have hit larger forms of life on Earth, according to new research.

Brazil: Many alarmed over boost to pesticide use in agriculture
Families slam commission recommendation on easing restrictions on deadly pesticides that are contaminating the environment and causing sky-high cancer rates and other health crises.

Only 13 percent of the world’s oceans are still wild
Reaching the deepest depths of all the world’s oceans seems unfathomable. But new research suggests we’re getting close, and that’s not a good thing.

Can seagrass help fight ocean acidification?
Seagrass meadows could play a limited, localized role in alleviating ocean acidification in coastal ecosystems, according to new work led by Carnegie’s David Koweek and including Carnegie’s Ken Caldeira.

River complexity maintains regional population stability
An international group of researchers has demonstrated that branching complexity of rivers affects regional population stability and persistence in nature, contrary to current theories which suggest the importance of an ecosystem’s size.

Timor-Leste a mecca for whales, but they face threats
Johnny Langenheim
One third of all cetacean species are found in the waters off Timor-Leste, but measures are needed to protect them

Maelor Himbury