Daily Links Aug 11

Matteo Canavani is a seriously worrisome Minister with the selective clap-trap he spouts and the dystopian future to which he is leading us. We once regarded our Parliamentary representatives as leaders in our communities, people we respected and people who were worthy of that respect. We can’t say that now.

Daily Links Aug 10

Even a moment’s consideration of nuclear as an element of our energy policy is a wasted moment, for the many reasons pointed out in this article. Angus ‘Fantastic’ Taylor hasn’t taken a trick and he doesn’t look like taking one, yet he’s more protected than the grasslands on his brother’s farmhttps://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/6320212/were-wasting-too-much-energy-on-nuclear-talk/?cs=14246

Daily Links Aug 9

When the national government deserts the field, it is up to other levels of government to show leadership – and Launceston City Council is.

Daily Links Aug 8

George Monbiot always makes such sense. “Because the dirtiest industries attract the least public support, they have the greatest incentive to spend money on politics, to get the results they want and we don’t.”https://independentaustralia.net/environment/environment-display/why-its-a-climate-emergency,12976

Daily Links Aug 7

How would professional denier Andrew Bolt explain this? He’d have a hard time sleeping soundly each night, you’d reckon.https://independentaustralia.net/environment/environment-display/why-its-a-climate-emergency,12976

Daily Links Aug 6

Daily links colleague Peter Boyer, along with decent people everywhere, has a different view to that of Andrew Bolt on Greta Thunberg. He also finds that while Greta is the much-known face of young concern about where we heading on climate change, her views are widely shared with her peers. And this has to be a cause for optimism.http://southwind.com.au/2019/08/06/young-people-asking-the-hard-questions/

Daily Links Aug 5

The environment we have, under relentless challenge as it is, is because of the preparedness of the activists who turned up. Until we have science-based environment policy, there’ll be plenty of opportunities for all to turn up.https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-08-04/history-and-genesis-of-modern-environment-movement/11366782

Daily Links Aug 4

Hey Beetrooter, given the half-life of the waste a nuclear power station would generate, for how many thousand generations should  those living nearby receive free power? When you’re under the …

Daily Links Aug 3

Making significant change is rarely easy and with climate change, think of SIGNIFICANT like so. So we need powerful, consistent and comprehensive messages to argue why we should change. Most of the media stories about the drought are of ‘triumph over tragedy’, the unstoppable power of nature’ and ‘there’s always been a changing climate and droughts’ which undermine the need for change. They present, to those looking, excuses as to why they don’t need to change. Thankfully The Guardian is different to ‘most’ of the media.https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2019/aug/02/just-one-in-20-australian-news-stories-about-drought-mention-climate-change

Daily Links Aug 2

While Greta Thunberg continues her impressive campaign and agree with Andrew Bolt that she is ‘deeply disturbed’ about absolute stupidity in the face of the science, it’s Friday. Time to …