Daily Links Sep 11

Check the articles under the NSW heading. Koala consciousness is rampant in the NSW coalition, or is that koalaition? Barilaro seems to be a dab hand at backing wrong horses, literally feral ones in the Kosciusko National Park and in this case, a farmer’s total right to do whatever they want on their land. Not for him the notion of a temporal ‘stewardship’ or the doctrine of ‘public trust’. Australia would be all the better with this doctrine underpinning our law.

Daily Links Sep 10

Here’s the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance, a large group of Local Governments collaborating on climate response, leading the charge (pun not intended) on electric vehicle infrastructure. Fine work, Rob Law. …

Daily Links Sep 9

“I was told to be silent or never have a job again”. When it comes time to vote, and in between to write and call to tell our politicians what we think, we depend on the evidence to shape our thinking. Otherwise such issues as the federal government’s energy road map (elsewhere in this list) will be based on guess work and thought bubbles. This is what happens when the scientists whose research generates the evidence are muzzled.https://theconversation.com/research-reveals-shocking-detail-on-how-australias-environmental-scientists-are-being-silenced-140026

Daily Links Sep 8

Which bit of this is hard for a pro-industry free-market follower to understand, d’ya reckon? ‘Green hydrogen’ linked to steel-making and much else has a lot going for it, to all except those in the pockets of the fossil fool industries. Post-pandemic, there is no reversion to what was and huge advantage, particularly when our major trading nations only deal with low carbon products, to what will be, this kind of thinking.https://www.smh.com.au/environment/climate-change/dawn-of-green-steel-and-the-revival-of-australian-manufacturing-20200904-p55sdu.html

Daily Links Sep 7

Is there a bigger flogger of dead horses? Angus ‘Fantastic’ Taylor is a champion of the deceased equine itself, the illusory carbon capture and storage as the answer to curbing energy-generation emissions. He’s on what we would like to be another dead horse too. He is relentless in his distortions of the CEFC in trying to bend it to his ideological will? His mania has to be pointed out, this second dead horse should be flogged.https://www.theage.com.au/environment/climate-change/government-to-fund-gas-and-carbon-storage-via-clean-energy-programs-20200906-p55svj.html

Daily Links Sep 6

You do have to wonder about this mob. Gagging debate on a highly significant piece of legislation that is missing a crucial element in implementing its provisions is arrogance in the extreme. It is the environment and our biodiversity that takes the immediate hit and from them on it is all of us who are the poorer. What was that bit about leaving each generation better off?https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/sep/06/recipe-for-extinction-why-australias-rush-to-change-environment-laws-is-sparking-widespread-concern

Daily Links Sep 5

Sounds reasonable. The Oz has spreading it over this wide brown land for too long, it’s only fair that they should get some get back.https://www.sbs.com.au/news/quit-the-bulls-t-climate-protesters-dump-manure-outside-news-corp-offices-over-claims-of-denialism

Daily Links Sep 4

‘Four more years’ doesn’t bear thinking about, then there’s Morrison, Johnson, Bolsonaro and all the other right-wing climate deniers that are robbing the world of its future. Everything is political …

Daily Links Sep 3

You could nearly feel sorry for Angus ‘Fantastic’ Taylor, a man so hidebound by ideology that he turns his back on science and sense and exposes himself to ridicule. With white elephant coal mines, loss-making gas projects and ever more frightening fire seasons, we’ll most likely feel anger rather than sorrow.https://reneweconomy.com.au/battle-lines-drawn-over-future-of-cefc-as-taylor-gets-wires-crossed-on-gas-19924/