Daily Links May 12

There’s money for CCS, mining company fuel rebates and gas projects, but nothing, zilch, zero to allow any kind of devolved environmental regulation devolved to the states to succeed. But …

Daily Links May 11

Who was it who said that the law is an ass? Breaking state law thus allowing escape from a federal law offends the notion of common sense. VicForests is supposed to be managing forests for all Victorians, not for the logging industry and all of this is happening while the LNP Government wants to devolve environmental approvals to the states, to the flagrant law-breakers. You couldn’t make this stuff up!

Daily Links May 10

Off list again and I was saddened by this article. I travelled a lot in my 20s and 30s, US, Asia, Europe – and I was always felt a bit proud to answer ‘Australia’ when posed the question ‘Where are you from?’ I think I’d try to say ‘Kiwi, bro’ these days. We are a pariah nation now.https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/politics/australian-politics/2021/05/09/australia-morrison-world-reputation/amp/?__twitter_impression=true

Daily Links May 9

The Pentecostal PM’s belief system and its consequences when it shapes policy is a matter of extreme public interest, so I don’t buy the line that his religion is a private matter. Why bother about climate change on earth when you’re about to be raptured up to join those who are saved?https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/may/09/ashes-to-ashes-pentecostalism-the-pm-and-the-climate-crisis

Daily Links May 8

Happy World Migratory Bird Day, from down here at the Overwintering Exhibition: Western Port at the Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery.

Daily Links May 7

Wow, Kit Kats to go carbon-neutral by 2025, that’s some climate pledge, if we can believe it. And there’s a big gap between words and deeds, what governments and companies say and what they do. That’s not something we wonder about in Australia, we know our mob in Canberra say not much at all and do considerably less.https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/may/06/difference-real-climate-policy-greenwashing-emissions

Daily Links May 6

How good is the ‘Clappers’ gas-led recovery looking now? Gas is a fossil fuel and burning it releases carbon dioxide, just not as much as does coal. And when the Peter Costello chaired ‘Nine’, owner of The Age, editorialises against gas, you know that that recovery is not looking all that flash.https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/turning-off-the-gas-makes-good-sense-20210505-p57p1n.html

Daily Links May 5

At +2 degrees, we lose much of our dry land agriculture, the Great Barrier Reef, Kakadu and then there’s the heat-wave mortality, fires and pestilence to worry about. And yet the Canberra irrationalists think it is a political problem to be managed. Listen, Pentecostal PM and your band of fossil fools, you accept the science in everything else you do, how can you let your donors dictate policy on this when there is so much at stake?https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/may/04/rich-nations-climate-targets-will-mean-global-heating-of-24c-study

Can a Ginkgo live forever?

Now I reckon a Ginkgo is a bit special – but immortality? That is hugely special. Long-lived humans having nothing on trees. Some forest giants, like the Ginkgo biloba, can live …

Daily Links May 4

Where is our National Integrity Commission? Australia is now out of the top ten for global anti-corruption measures – we were 7th in the world in 2012, 13th in 2018. And here’s yet another dead fish-smelling deal, hiding between Cabinet-in-confidence and Commercial-in-confidence.https://reneweconomy.com.au/labor-probes-snowy-hydro-gas-plant-land-deal-with-liberal-party-donor/